a) Prioritize customer needs and goals.
b) Understand the customer's risk tolerance, financial goals, and schedule.
a) Implement risk management practices to protect customer capital.
b) Diversify your portfolio to spread your risk.
a) Comply with all relevant financial regulatory and legal requirements.
b) Stay aware of changes and adjust your practices accordingly.
Consider environmental, social, and governance factors when making investment decisions, through 17 Goals | Sustainable Development:
a.no poverty
b. zero hunger
c. good health & well-being
d. quality education
e. gender equality
f. clean water and situation
g. affordable and clean energy
h. goal 8
i. industry, innovation and infrastructure
j. reduced inequalities
k. sustainable cities and communities
l. responsible consumption & production
m. climate action
n. life below water
o. life on land
p. peace justice & strong institution
q. partnership for the goals
We are a team of experienced investors, project managers, business professionals, and professional account managers with various personal interests, backgrounds, and skills who want to develop themselves and solve our client's toughest challenges. know more about the members and department heads of our key decision-making bodies: General Manager and Managing Director. These leaders have shaped our business with the goal of creating long-term value for our customers.
Elmira Khito: General Manager of Al An, with more than 20 years of professional and operational experience, 3 years specifically focused on the UAE Real Estate market and its economy. Proven ability to drive project success through strategic planning, risk management, and effective communication. Elmira has acquired her professional MBA diploma from SWISS Business School and freely communicates in Arabic, Russian, and English.
Kyosuke Hatase: Managing Director of Al An. He is a serial entrepreneur and has run an investment fund in Japan for 9 years, investing in the stock market and alternative assets. He founded Al An with a focus on the UAE property market, which is recovering quickly from the effects of the pandemic. His mission is to bring the benefits of the UAE's phenomenal economic growth to investors worldwide
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